Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Word Processing/Newsletters in the Classroom

Word Processing/Newsletters in the Classroom
            Technology encompasses children; in this day and age children are introduced to technology in-utero. From a very young age children are being taught how to use many different forms of technology, therefore it almost seems like a necessity in the classroom. Word Processing is a very important skill to teach children how to use, on the computer. It allows students to gather their thoughts and explain their ideas in a clear, organized fashion.
            During the process of having to create and write my own newsletter, I couldn’t think of a better way to get students excited about writing. This would be a perfect way to get students engaged in current events, school activities, important dates, issues, classroom logistics, etc.  The options are endless and the most important part would be having the students get involved and giving them a voice. Letting the students create a team for a monthly newsletter would be a wonderful way to have them practice writing, editing, word-processing, teamwork and much more!
            Newsletters, for a class, can be an excellent way to get parents involved.  Parents can have the ease of reading a newsletter for the month and be aware of what their child will be learning. It is extremely important for parents to be knowledgeable of what is going on in the class and what is expected.
            I really enjoyed having the creative freedom to design my own newsletter and I can only imagine the endless possibilities of a newsletter in my own classroom one day!

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