Monday, December 10, 2012

Philosophy of Teaching

Philosophy of Teaching
            I want to be the type of teacher that makes a difference; the one that children can still remember and talk about when they grow up. I want to be the best I can be and what so many great teachers were for me. I can still remember everything about those teachers that I had who made a difference in my education and that is my goal when begin my teaching career. I want children to love learning by coming to school and making great memories that will last them a lifetime.
            I think the environment you surround your classroom with is crucial, your students spend the majority of their days in a classroom so in order for them to want to spend time in there and learn it must be an inviting, safe, joyful place for them. It is imperative that my classroom is organized and stays neat. If everything has a purpose and place the children will be able to access anything they need. My room definitely has to have a reading area and lots of books that the children can easily access. One of my favorite childhood school memories is from first grade, when I first started to read. My teacher Mrs. Gellman made me love reading, she brought so much joy into it that I never wanted to stop. She gave us so many books and had a comfy nook in the classroom dedicated to reading.
            When you walk into my classroom you will definitely see a lot of creativity. I have a passion for art and I think no matter what the subject is, you can always incorporate a creative aspect on art. From what I have seen children love hands on learning and most of them love art. It truly breaks my heart that there is no more or very little art left in schools, I think it is so important for children as another form of expression. 
Technology will also be a major element I plan to incorporate into my classroom. Technology encompasses children; in this day and age children are introduced to technology in-utero. From a very young age children are being taught how to use many different forms of technology, therefore it almost seems like a necessity in the classroom. Word Processing is a very important skill to teach children how to use, on the computer. It allows students to gather their thoughts and explain their ideas in a clear, organized fashion. Through my education and my student teaching experience, I have been surrounded by so many different wonderful programs that add so much to children succeeding in the classroom. Through technology we can all learn so much!            
I have learned that to succeed as a teacher you must be flexible and learn to work with your students and parents. Things will always come up and change so you must be willing to work with what you are dealt with. It is also important to teach children their responsibility in the classroom and instill in them that they are also responsible of their education. I will give them guidelines to follow with rules and consequences for breaking a rule. I will also give praise for when the right thing is being done and when I see students trying their best.
As a teacher I want every child to feel special and welcomed in my classroom and I will always “remember to love the unlovable”.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Story Bird!

I have never heard of Story Bird, but i'm so glad that i got introduced to it this week! I love the idea behind it, it reminds me of photo books I have made before in the past on As an adult I love being able to create a book online and then see it come to life. I know from experience with my own nephew and younger cousins they are elated when they see their own pictures or story in an actual book. Story bird lets you personalize and create your own story and then you can actually order it and see it come to life (sort of speak). My only criticism with the site is that i was unable to really personalize my book with my own art or pictures. I wish they would give you more creative freedom and colors etc. Overall though, I feel this is a good way to engage students and let them publish their own story online. This will give them pride and an incentive to write their own stories.

I also enjoyed reading through my classmates stories; everyone had their own unique take on it! I would love to see what my own students would create using Story Bird!

Nutrition Spreadsheet

                       I really enjoyed last week's assignment using the nutrition facts of Panera Bread to create my own meal. I can see excel being used across various different subjects and age groups. I can see this assignment being a great way to incorporate healthy eating habits for my students. It would be a great interdisciplinary tool to combine technology, math, and health into one lesson. This assignment made me aware how easily available nutrient facts are online. I would take this opportunity to teach my students how to read nutrient labels and explain percentages. I think the math options are endless and also more importantly using this in the classroom will make children more conscience of what they are actually eating. By using technology children will be excited to learn and participate in the lesson and it also might help those who struggle in math but love technology succeed!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Prior to this assignment I have never heard of webquests; honestly at first I struggled with the concept behind them and its purpose. However after much research and viewing many different examples of webquests, I finally have a better understanding of how they work. I found it interesting to search through different subjects and topics of web quest on the Internet. I came across many topics that my students are learning  currently in class. I can’t wait to share the idea of webquest to my cooperating teacher; hopefully the children can have the opportunity to complete a web quest. I think it is a good idea for my fourth graders because they still struggle with their researching skills; that is why webquest is such a great tool because all the links are provided at ease for the students, so they will not waste as much time asking which website to go on. Instead they can spend time reading and gathering their facts. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

This week as a part of my technology course, I had the opportunity to use the two programs Inspiration 9 and Kidspiration design. I was actually excited about these two assignments because I love learning about new programs that I can incorporate in my lessons and the classroom. Both programs reminded me of lessons and activities I have come across and used on the smart board.

I found Kidspiration to be a really great kid-friendly program that I think would be wonderful in the classroom. Personally I think a draw back to the program is the scary sounding voice that speaks when you hover over a tool. I think that a voice is great for younger children but why didn’t they use a sweet kid-friendly voice? I think it would be more appealing if they used even a child’s voice instead of the one on the program. Other than that I found it to be a really wonderful program that was easy to use and navigate. I especially liked the math activities they had; it’s a great way for children to interact with the computer to understand harder math concepts in an easy way by being able to move around manipulative.

            Inspiration was also a good program, but it had less appeal than Kidspiration. I found it to be a bit duller and not child-friendly. Even though it wasn’t as appealing as the first I still found the templates they offered to be really nice. I could definitely see potential with a little sprucing up. I was excited to see a cinquain template because I just taught a lesson on cinquains and this program definitely would have added a lot to my lesson. It was easy to add pictures to my template once I completed it and I could see my students having a blast with it. What I didn’t like was the presentation part of this program, I wasn’t able to have a lot of creative freedom designing it and honestly I did not see the point. I much rather prefer power point or the smart board.

            Overall I’m glad I was introduced to these two programs and I hope to learn more about them and how to use them to their fullest in the classroom.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I think this cartoon is hysterical, but sadly so true! Children expect everything to be animated and technology based. Do classrooms even use chalk boards anymore??

Word Processing/Newsletters in the Classroom

Word Processing/Newsletters in the Classroom
            Technology encompasses children; in this day and age children are introduced to technology in-utero. From a very young age children are being taught how to use many different forms of technology, therefore it almost seems like a necessity in the classroom. Word Processing is a very important skill to teach children how to use, on the computer. It allows students to gather their thoughts and explain their ideas in a clear, organized fashion.
            During the process of having to create and write my own newsletter, I couldn’t think of a better way to get students excited about writing. This would be a perfect way to get students engaged in current events, school activities, important dates, issues, classroom logistics, etc.  The options are endless and the most important part would be having the students get involved and giving them a voice. Letting the students create a team for a monthly newsletter would be a wonderful way to have them practice writing, editing, word-processing, teamwork and much more!
            Newsletters, for a class, can be an excellent way to get parents involved.  Parents can have the ease of reading a newsletter for the month and be aware of what their child will be learning. It is extremely important for parents to be knowledgeable of what is going on in the class and what is expected.
            I really enjoyed having the creative freedom to design my own newsletter and I can only imagine the endless possibilities of a newsletter in my own classroom one day!