Monday, December 10, 2012

Philosophy of Teaching

Philosophy of Teaching
            I want to be the type of teacher that makes a difference; the one that children can still remember and talk about when they grow up. I want to be the best I can be and what so many great teachers were for me. I can still remember everything about those teachers that I had who made a difference in my education and that is my goal when begin my teaching career. I want children to love learning by coming to school and making great memories that will last them a lifetime.
            I think the environment you surround your classroom with is crucial, your students spend the majority of their days in a classroom so in order for them to want to spend time in there and learn it must be an inviting, safe, joyful place for them. It is imperative that my classroom is organized and stays neat. If everything has a purpose and place the children will be able to access anything they need. My room definitely has to have a reading area and lots of books that the children can easily access. One of my favorite childhood school memories is from first grade, when I first started to read. My teacher Mrs. Gellman made me love reading, she brought so much joy into it that I never wanted to stop. She gave us so many books and had a comfy nook in the classroom dedicated to reading.
            When you walk into my classroom you will definitely see a lot of creativity. I have a passion for art and I think no matter what the subject is, you can always incorporate a creative aspect on art. From what I have seen children love hands on learning and most of them love art. It truly breaks my heart that there is no more or very little art left in schools, I think it is so important for children as another form of expression. 
Technology will also be a major element I plan to incorporate into my classroom. Technology encompasses children; in this day and age children are introduced to technology in-utero. From a very young age children are being taught how to use many different forms of technology, therefore it almost seems like a necessity in the classroom. Word Processing is a very important skill to teach children how to use, on the computer. It allows students to gather their thoughts and explain their ideas in a clear, organized fashion. Through my education and my student teaching experience, I have been surrounded by so many different wonderful programs that add so much to children succeeding in the classroom. Through technology we can all learn so much!            
I have learned that to succeed as a teacher you must be flexible and learn to work with your students and parents. Things will always come up and change so you must be willing to work with what you are dealt with. It is also important to teach children their responsibility in the classroom and instill in them that they are also responsible of their education. I will give them guidelines to follow with rules and consequences for breaking a rule. I will also give praise for when the right thing is being done and when I see students trying their best.
As a teacher I want every child to feel special and welcomed in my classroom and I will always “remember to love the unlovable”.


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